
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Straight To The Moon" ...or not

Day 10:
Hey Guys, just realized that I haven't posted a single thing since Sunday and I'm suuuuuuper sorry.

I had a big Chemistry test to study for, and the new semester is kinda starting to get to me. American History-That class is amazing. I can listen to him talk for hours, but the second he turned on "The Hunt for John Wilkes Booth" even I went to sleep.
Then, in drawing class we were asked to make 9"x 6" replicas of famous artworks and photographs, such as: "Persistence of Memory", "The Great Pyramids of Giza", Andy Warhol's soup cans, a painting of napoleon bonaparteaquaducts, the sphinx, "3 flags"

and a few more that I cant remember
the only ones that i did really well were the soup cans, the aquaducts, and the great pyramids of giza

Today I also made an antacid tab rocket from a film canister, and got to go outside and launch it. But, it didn't go very high...til my lab partner, Tripp, kicked it into the parking lot out of frustration of it not flying.
So our launch height graph will be fairly simple. A straight Line -_-
I also did my homework for 4th block while i was in third block lol yay for procrastination

Didnt really worry too much about counting calories today, but oh well. :)

That's pretty much all that I have to say at the moment
I have to go get started on making dinner and reading "A separate Peace" for English

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